Sunday 23 September 2007

Weekend Five

Saturday was lazy day again - batteries to recharge and back to heal! I spent most of the morning on the webcam to Gareth catching up with things back home; how family are, what the animals are up to and how he is coping with everything to do on his own! The afternoon was spent with Roget grazing in one of the honeycombs and dreaming of passing my level 3, bareback and bridless riding and liberty with Dillon - apparently visualisation is very helpful! Instead of eating at the ranch, 17 of us went to the local Chinese restaurant and then to the Buffalo Inn bar where we all had a blast. Beth and I booked a taxi so we could both have a drink and left the car at the house - it was great fun - you can see the pictures, which I think show it all!

Sunday was my lie in day - bliss not to wake at 6am and have to rouse myself to the ranch! Another lazy day ensued with very little being achieved bar resting my back and catching up on sleep. Roget and I shared our honeycomb grazing session with Ann and Beth today which was nice I think for both of us. Then a thunder storm rolled in off the mountains and we made a mad dash out of the rain and back to relaxing and chilling out ready for our last week of class!

Goodbye Pat and Linda! On our way down the ranch track Beth and I met Pat and Linda coming the other way in their rock-star style coach and horse trailer. Well we started waving like looneys again and Pat and Linda started waving back, which only encouraged us even more! Then Pat honked his horn, which was exactly what you expect an American truck horn to sound like! So we got our final farewell from them and that was a lovely unexpected extra to our trip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looked as if your all having great fun. Good to see you let your hair down. I bet you have made some great friends. Take care of that back! Mum