The Finale or Journey Through the Course was the classroom session with the freebies, certificates and overview of topics. It is really good to review the clips from earlier in the course - to see them through 'different' eyes.
Then there was en emotional session for the 6 weekers to discuss how the course had changed us and what were the highlights or points of significant. It is amazing how strangers from all over the world can bond in such a short period of time.
Finally, those of us with Parelli lease horses had to say goodbye. Definitely the hardest part of the day. We were allowed to take them to their pasture and to let them loose (the first time in 6 weeks for these guys!). It was very well organised with everyone ensuring their horse was settled by a pile of hay before simultaneously taking off the halters. This went incredibly smoothly with no horse tearing off. Eventually a few did however decide that freedom was exciting enough to show some exuberance. We had been warned that when back in their pasture they might not want anything to do with us, so I was honoured that Roget did come back to me to say a final farewell - this however started off a new wave of emotion and tears!
What was interesting to note was that Anne and Roget (pictured in the photo) seemed to stick together in the field.
So the course was over and we said our goodbyes or should I say 'Au Revoirs' as we will keep in touch with many of the new friends we made. In fact, we have plans to meet in Switzerland for the Parelli Rendezvous next year!
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