Long weekend (Friday - Sunday) with the Parelli Savvy Conference an added bonus in the middle of the course. As you can image, everyone was very excited and there was alot of interesting and spectacular stuff to see. There was far too much going on for me to comment on everything, so I'll mention some of the highlights and then you will have to wait to see the rest on the Savvy Club DVDs! Oh yes, there was also great shopping - so I have saved loads of money by buying lots of bargains!
Friday's highlight without a doubt was Cally. Cally has been introducing an equine "pre-school" at the Atwood Ranch for the past 6 months, having previously studied with Pat and Linda. Well she blew my socks off with what she could achieve with the two year old she brought in - they could do level 4 ground skills - amazing! She then backed the horse for the first time in front of the 2000 strong crowd - the confidence the horse had in her and the communication and consequently the control she exhibited where phenomenal. Pat has always said "Colt starting is level 1 with excellence" - Cally showed me what that really meant.
Saturday's highlight was Cally again, but before I briefly describe that session, it is worth mentioning that Jon from the Savvy Team, who open the day's events by playing with their own horse's, was spectacular - he showed me how little and subtle communication between human and horse can be with fantastic results (someone to try to emulate me thinks). Anyway, back to Cally, who again stole the show with her "pre-school" programme. Today, she came in riding with a yearling on either side. They made turns, transitions and jumped in this threesome format. Then..... she added another yearling to each side, so they were now a fivesome - WOW! The finale was to load the four yearlings into a trailer (whilst Cally stayed mounted) and then to ride away. I still cannot fully articulate what this display did to me - words like awestruck and amazed do not seem sufficient!
Saturday evening proved to be a culture shock with the Dinner and Dance. I think American's are all born with line dancing patterns already imprinted, because just as I was getting to learn the routine the song changed and they were automatically doing a new one! It proved highly amusing though! It was a great evening with an opportunity to get to know fellow students and faculty/instructors outside of the classroom.
Sunday's highlight is one of two. I enjoyed Linda's demonstration entitiled 'Ride In' where she showed how to be playful and provocative for your horse whilst riding in an arena. She was riding Remmer so it was also a great example of motivating a left brain introvert. The other highlight was Trevor riding western finesse - like Jon he displayed a level of subtley and poise that I aim to try to emulate.
It may seem strange that Pat and Linda hardly get a mention in the highlights, but isn't it encouraging that their student's are now doing so well and achieving so much. Their success proves that the system works and that achieving excellence is possible. Now all we have to do is emulate Pat, Linda, Cally, Jon and Trevor!!!!!