Firstly we had to find phase 1 (as gentle as possible) and phase 4 (effective last resort) by hitting a barrel with a carrot stick without emotion. My phase 1 was was excellent, but my phase 4 was described as a 'limp kipper'! Next was phases 1 through 4 along the 22' rope to the halter, again without emotion. It was very interesting that I realised my phases with a horse have unconscious emotion - it is very difficult to be emotional with a post! Lastly, carrot stick/savvy string practice - hit the same spot 3 times with both hands, then 'quick draw McGraw' - hold the end of your string and lay the stick on the floor; close your eyes, pull the string and the stick handle should land in your hand...... try this, it's difficult!
Day Four of Liberty & Horse Behaviour
Today we covered the 7 games. These are the 7 games horses play with each other and therefore the best language for humans and horses to communicate with.
There are 3 principle games: friendly; porcupine and driving.
There are 4 purpose games: yo-yo, circling, sideways and squeeze.
The principle games are the ABC and the purpose games are the words, sentences, paragraphs and hopefully one day a story!
To improve the draw - naturally attracting the horse towards you - use the friendly, squeeze and yo-yo games, the hindquarter disengage and S-patterns.
To improve the drive - naturally sending the horse away from you - use the driving, circling, sideways and yo-yo games, the forehand disengage and falling leaf patterns.
Interesting thought: When we put a halter on a horse's head, we are really putting it on their feet!
Next we looked at the four types of horses and the difficulties they may have with certain games due to their horsenalities. For example, moving the forehand is difficult for a left brain horse as it is yielding the dominance. Or a right brain may find disengaging the hind quarters difficult, as this is yielding it's ability to flee.
A demonstration of the seven games with student's horses by the faculty members and an inspirational session with their own, highlighted the following:
1. Set it up for success - nose, neck, maybe feet.
2. Slow and right beats fast and wrong - play the 'Hot and Cold' game.
3. Make a plan and visualise the end result before starting.
4. Suggest - Ask - Tell - Promise (then check friendly game).
Win the 7 Games, but win for both of you..... try to think of the human winning, but the horse winning the prize!
Roget and I had an interesting session - meaning I had some 'How interesting!' moments! In hind sight I was acting the predator and telling, rather than communicating. Arrghhhhh! It is sometimes very difficult to stop being a predator, especially when you have an agenda! He definitely is left brained introvert and I will have to change my ways to get us singing from the same hymn sheet.
Remember: left brain introverts require incentive - I'd better go buy some carrots for tomorrow!
We had a lovely surprise today - it was like Christmas! All the 6 weekers were given goody bags (really good stuff - confidence snaffle, level 3 pack, finesse reins, etc...) and an opportunity to win a private lesson with Linda Parelli at the end of our course! How exciting is that!?! Keep all your fingers and toes crossed for me!
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