It highlights how important the friendly game is and the need for thinking time.
The background card for today was the 3 Systems of the Horse and how they relate to the Parelli levels:
Level 1 Partnership - respect - the mental system
Level 2 Harmony - impulsion - the emotional system
Level 3 Refinement - flexion - the physical system
Day Seven of Liberty & Horse Behaviour
Today's game is the Yo-Yo Game. Yo-yo is exactly as it sounds - foward and back, to and fro, north and south or even, approach and retreat. It is the game of equilibrium - equal motion in opposing directions.
The yo-yo game should always have a purpose to help the horse understand, i.e. back up and put a hind foot on a cone, rather than just back up! It is also important to uise the appropriate amount of pressue for the response required - make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult.
If straightness is an issue, then be creative and instead of micro-managing and constantly correcting, use a fence! To encourage confidence and a 'yes - I can do that' attitude in your horse, break tasks down. For example, playing with a line in the sand, then your rope, next a pole will enable you one day to yo-yo a log. Use an obstacle to help identify when you are going to change your yo from yo-- to --yo. By being consistent and making the change at the same obstacle your horse will be looking for the change and may even begin to offer!
Level 3 yo-yos could be up/down a hill or around a slalom, while level 4 are piaffe, passage, the slide stop and cow cutting! Yo-yo can be as interesting (or dull) as you make it - so be creative!
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