Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Tuesday L&HB Day Seven

After a beautiful start to the morning where from my doorstep I could see Lake Pagosa was covered in mist (see photo), Remuda with Carmen and Megan covered 2 rein driving in the 'conga-horse'. A conga-horse is a line of people holding onto each other's belt loops pretending to be different parts of the horse. This sounds really silly and did challenge my confort zone somewhat, but proved to be highly powerful. You really can feel people's intent and how heavy the feel on the rope can be.

It highlights how important the friendly game is and the need for thinking time.

The background card for today was the 3 Systems of the Horse and how they relate to the Parelli levels:

Level 1 Partnership - respect - the mental system
Level 2 Harmony - impulsion - the emotional system
Level 3 Refinement - flexion - the physical system

Day Seven of Liberty & Horse Behaviour

Today's game is the Yo-Yo Game. Yo-yo is exactly as it sounds - foward and back, to and fro, north and south or even, approach and retreat. It is the game of equilibrium - equal motion in opposing directions.

The yo-yo game should always have a purpose to help the horse understand, i.e. back up and put a hind foot on a cone, rather than just back up! It is also important to uise the appropriate amount of pressue for the response required - make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult.

If straightness is an issue, then be creative and instead of micro-managing and constantly correcting, use a fence! To encourage confidence and a 'yes - I can do that' attitude in your horse, break tasks down. For example, playing with a line in the sand, then your rope, next a pole will enable you one day to yo-yo a log. Use an obstacle to help identify when you are going to change your yo from yo-- to --yo. By being consistent and making the change at the same obstacle your horse will be looking for the change and may even begin to offer!

Level 3 yo-yos could be up/down a hill or around a slalom, while level 4 are piaffe, passage, the slide stop and cow cutting! Yo-yo can be as interesting (or dull) as you make it - so be creative!

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