1. Don't wait until you're late for the show!
2. Don't take him to the trailer to see if he won't load!
3. Don't ask a trying horse to try!
4. Don't hurry and shut the gate!
The background card for today, The 4 Savvys (Online, Liberty, Freestyle and Finesse), had a interesting definition of what Savvy means...... Knowing when to be, where to be, how to be and what to do when you get there!
Day Six of Liberty & Horse Behaviour
So day six is all about the Principle Games, Friendly, Porcupine and Driving, and how to take them to another level from the standard.
The Friendly Game is also known as the Confidence Game. This game is all about Rhythm, Relaxation and Retreat. It could be simply walking past something, hanging out, desensitising the ears and mouth or flicking with the carrot stick or rope. More advanced games could be in motion or doing the Jack Daniels (staggering) and Happy Cowboy (skipping) tests. Find out whether there are any 'Yeh - but.....' spots that need attention and use approach and retreat, feel and timing. This game should sandwich everything you do, i.e. friendly - squeeze - friendly.
The Porcupine Game involves steady pressure, including follow a feel and yield to a feel. When phase four fails to have the desired result, it is effective to use angles instead of more force/pressure. Remember: nose, neck, maybe feet. Always sandwich with the friendly game: friendly - porcupine - friendly to a stop (this will help stop your horse).
The Driving Game should be a balance of the drive and draw using the power of focus. More advanced simulations could involve two rein driving, however, to avoid micro-managing your horse, you need to be a master of one rein driving first. Increasing distances, changing zones and varying speeds will all make the driving game more interesting for the horse.
Before the end of class, John did a fabulous inspirational demonstration of high level driving. He entered on a golf buggy and played with obstacles from zone 5, even following over the bridge. He then left the buggy and did some flashy half passes at the canter - it was really impressive.
After class, Beth, Lynn and I decided to go to Goodman's to do some shopping. So we drove into Pagosa and tried on a multitude of hats and boots (cowboy). I finally decided on a pair of Ariat cowboy boots and a 100% wool crushable stetson, so you're all forewarned!
We then returned to the ranch where the heavens opened and a lightning storm blew in off the rockies, putting a stop to intentions of playing with our horses. This did provide the perfect test for my new purchases however, both of which passed with flying colours!
Mum again forgot my password for the blog.
Cowboy boots & stetson!! Great, I love the photo Darna. Find the technical stuff over my head. Im going to settle for the photo shots. (I'd like a stetson if you can manage to bring one back for me)Spoke with Gareth last night he sounded well said your having a fantastic time.
Mum. Great yeeee - ha captured on the photo. The practise at Disney Paris with Rosie paid off.
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